

Don't materially harm other people;
emotional harm is unavoidable.


Moderation is moderation;
moderation is not an unavoidable slippery slope to the opposite extreme.


Don't outlaw things that you personally don't want to do.
Outlaw things that you don't want done to you.


Sometimes it is more effective to do many tasks poorly, than to do few tasks well.


An effective way to persuade an individual, is ask questions to get them to explain/reconsider their assumptions/reasoning.

Likable People

Women like "cute", men like "sexy", everyone likes "pretty".
And everyone likes unconditional affection/respect --
which conflicts with good judgement.


We are nice people who destroy ourselves & each other out of boredom.

Judging A Group

Don't prejudge individuals by their group.  Left-handed people may be more dumb & evil on average, but it is inaccurate to assume a lefty is dumb & evil.  Judge people  based on the qualities that matter -- not groups that tend to have those qualities.


Drugs best be legal, and strongly regulated.
Regulations/laws best be strong & simple -- no more than 3 pages per law.
To preserve liberty, it is better to tax unprofitable behavior, than to ban it.
Outlaw irrepairably damaging acts.  Dont outlaw acts that might lead to a crime, nor outlaw acts that sometimes result from a crime; outlaw the crime alone, to preserve liberty.  But regulate the causes of crime, to reduce the chance that they will lead to crime.

Fair Trade

The best way to give people a good quality of life, is to live by the rule of fair trade:  trades must be made with the consent of all materially affected people.  (Opportunity costs are not a material effect?)

Die Fighting

Islam promises heaven for those who die fighting for their cause.  This is a reward that encourages people to fight against a more powerful opponent -- like an oppressive government.  Thus die-fighting beliefs help revolutionaries.  Die-fighting beliefs will always be with us, because all organizations become oppressive when unopposed by revolutionaries.  And die-fighting groups will always go too far, because some individuals want to fight & die for no reason but entertainment.


I believe in the heaven we make on earth, and no other heaven.   I am an atheist.  But we cannot prove nor disprove the existence of an omnipotent god who wants to hide.  So i am also an agnostic.


Ideas are self-reproducing, and mutating -- so ideas evolve.
Culture is an idea.  Religion is an idea.
Organizations/corporations/governments are ideas.

Unguided Eugenics

To increase society's intelligence without sacrificing diversity, enforce 2-child policy -- dumb people are less likely to live long enough to reproduce.  Also halts overpopulation damage to environment & quality of life.

Representative Government

Democracy best use both direct voting, and representatives.

What Is Right

"Right" = most pleasure for most people
  = most material goods for most people
  = no economic externalities
  = fair trade.

For fair trade, need to distinguish un/fair traders, measure their un/fairness.

Right And Wrong

There is no universal right/wrong,
only personal pleasure and pain.

Felon Voting

Prisoners must be allowed to vote,
else everyone can be outlawed, one minority at a time.

Pay Per Use

Pay-per-use is better, to prevent externalities.
"Externality" = making someone else pay your bill.
Gas tax and toll roads are just paying your own bill for damage done by their usage.

Unproductive Citizens

Successful/dominant civilizations are probably dragged down by the survival of their weak/lazy members.


Most people cannot win the social competition/game for status.  So they create/join a niche competition/game, and win that game against people who are not even playing that game.   The competition becomes which game is best, and that is unanswerable and non-individual,  therefore safe for the pride.

What Is Fair Trade

"Fair trade" = informed consent of all people who bear material costs/benefits now/later (5 generations).  Emotions are not costs.  Lost opportunities may be costs.  Risks are costs.